Transfer project 3

DynSDN: Dynamic management of reconfigurable Industrie 4.0 real-time communication networks using Software-defined infrastructure

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a networking technology that represents an essential building block for the convergence of industrial, heterogeneous communication networks in the field of industrial automation. The provisioning of a context-agnostic high communication quality in a dynamic environment with heterogeneous requirements and shared network resources is the goal of the collaborative research center – SFB 1053 “MAKI – Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet”. The goal of this transfer project within the SFB 1053 is to enable switch models and programming architectures for Quality-of-Service control in Time-Sensitive Networks. Our aim is to enable a network resource optimization and fault tolerance for TSN applications built on top of dynamic SDN infrastructures using the concept of Transitions which is being developed within the SFB 1053. Transitions are to be understood here as reconfigurations of the programmable network infrastructure elements, e.g. switches, in such a way that Quality-of-Service criteria of the automation applications running over TSN are met. Results of this project will be shown through realizations of real-time functions of industrial applications using TSN.

Our industry partner is Robert Bosch GmbH.

Subproject Leader T3:

  Name Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Amr Rizk
Institut für Kommunikationstechnik
Prof. Dr. Boris Koldehofe
Multimedia Kommunikation (KOM)
+49 6151 16-21021
S3|20 225
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Steinmetz
+49 6151 16-6150
S3|20 120