Adaptive Networking for Cyber-Physical Systems
Technically co-sponsored by “Information Technology Society” and (Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG)) “Communication and Distributed Systems” (KuVS)
Datum: Freitag, 18. März 2022
Ort: Aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie nur online.
and Rolf Findeisen Klaus Wehrle
Adaptive Networking for Cyberphysical Systems
Increasing data rates of communication systems have been driving research in communication over the past decades and are widely used in today's information society.
However, the rapid appearance of cyber-physical system applications spanning from smart production to telemedicine and smart infrastructures leads to changing demands and requirements. Such systems typically demand reliable and safe real-time communication, as often critical feedback loops on different levels are closed over the network. Multiple new challenges, far exceeding the sole demand for increasing data rates, appear. They span from low latency, reliability, the energy efficiency of communication, and operation of the cyber-physical systems up to security and privacy. A rethinking of classical design and development approaches is necessary to meet these requirements. Modern cyber-physical systems demand tight integration of all components, communication, control, and system components to fully exploit the potential. The scientific workshop aims to address some of the challenges and outline possible solutions.