Project area C (Communication mechanisms) identifies and researches communication mechanisms that can be applied in a transition-capable communication system. In order to identify such mechanisms an understanding of the relevant environmental conditions is required. These conditions can vary strongly dependent on the particular use case. For example, connectivity is a condition of major concern for mechanisms executed at the lower layers of a communication system especially in the case of mobile devices. At higher levels of a communication system, conditions like availability or request pattern of information or multimedia content (e.g. in overlay-based mechanisms), alternatively movement patterns and node density (user centric mechanisms) may become more important to initiate a transition. The research of project area C covers therefore several views on a communication system which allows realizing a wide range of network functions and this way enables MAKI studying transitions holistically. In cooperation with project area A, the research contributes to an overall architecture of a transition-capable communication system, and allows detecting and minimizing interdependencies of transitions. Furthermore, the cooperation with project area is of importance to measure the quality of a transition, as well as select and plan for appropriate transitions.
In correspondence to the distinct views of the project area on communication mechanisms the subarea is structured in following subprojects: