sponsored by CRC MAKI
Online Event from 21.-25.2.2022 (via Zoom)
In-person Event from 18.-22.07.2022 (, University Ulm, Germany Schloss Reisensburg
Summer School
Communication networks have seen significant advances in recent years including trends such as software-defined networking, programmable data planes, network hardware acceleration and network function virtualization. The aim of this summer school is to introduce PhD students to currently relevant topics in the intersection of programmable networks and AI/machine learning. The first part of the summer school is a mini-course consisting of a series of 90-minute lectures that will be given online in the week from 21.02.2022 until 25.02.2022. In addition to the online mini-course a physical meeting is planned to take place in-person in the beautiful city of Ulm in southern Germany from 18.07.2022 -22.07.2022.
The mini-course will start with an introduction to the state of the art in AI and machine learning and then include topics like decision making in network management, network and distributed systems programming and boosting network applications using machine learning techniques. Other topics include traffic prediction and classification, routing and congestion control, network resource management and QoS provisioning as well as applications in the area of network security.
During the in-person part of the summer school, participants will be given the opportunity to introduce their own researchin short lightning talks but the majority of time will be reserved for discussions and working groups. Between the two parts of the summer school, we will provide a slack workspace to allow discussions to continue online.
Summer School Organizers
Amr Rizk, University of Duisburg-Essen
Frank Kargl, Ulm University
Olaf Landsiedel, University of Kiel