Dear student,
you are enrolled in a study programme that is relevant for the “Collaborative Research Center Multimechanism Adaptation for the Future Internet (CRC MAKI)” (electrical engineering and information technology, information system technology, computer science or are a related field) at TU Darmstadt or computer science at RWTH Aachen, BWL at Universität Mannheim or Wirtschaftsinformatik at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ?
You are interested in the development of communication systems of the future and the future internet?
You want to learn more about science and research?
Then the CRC MAKI invites you to take part in the
“MAKI female mentoring and networking programme”!
The “MAKI female mentoring and networking programme” encourages you to launch a career in science. An experienced researcher supports you as a mentor. Besides discussions and consultation you have the possibility to participate in an international conference on MAKI-related topics and to get familiar with the scientific community accompanied by your mentor. You will experience top-level science close up and can network with international researchers.
Furthermore, the programme offers you the opportunity to meet other female students and scientists doing research in related fields.
You can send your application to the equal opportunity officer of the CRC MAKI that consists of:
- a letter of motivation with reference to the relevant conference
- an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
- an up-to-date performance record of your study programme (Leistungsspiegel)
- a short accompanying letter of your mentor where he or she declares the willingness to accompany you to the relevant conference and to support you within the frame of the mentoring programme
Application deadline: There is no deadline, you can apply anytime.
Costs: The mentoring programme and the conference are free of charge for you
(opens in new tab) Flyer (PDF)