08:30 h
Arrival and welcome including coffee and cookies – Room Europium
09:00 h
MAKI: Current state and phase III – Room Europium
09:30 h
Poster session of the individual subproject and project groups – Room Europium, Radon, Xenon
12:00 h
Lunch at restaurant Calla – Ground floor of the Darmstadtium
12:50 h
Group photo with all participants – Lobby
13:00 h
Presentation of additionally submitted proposals and submitted proposal for initial funding
- Gek Hong (Allyson) Sim (5G Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) Vehicular Networks)
- Lin Wang (Service-centric View: Microservice Autoscaling and Caching in Edge Computing)
- Carsten Binnig (Co-designing Big Data Analytics Systems with Modern Networks)
- Florian Steinke (Optimized Transition Planning ensuring the Reliability of INP with Stochastic Contexts)
Presentation of planned project participation of interested scientists
- Christian Reuter (Transitions in Social Media: Tailorable Situation Assessment with Context-Dependent Services)
- Andreas Koch (Improved Transitions by Application-Specific Hardware Accelerators)
15:45 h
Coffee break – Room Europium
16:00 h
Consulting, feedback and plenum
- Internal consultation of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board – Room Radon
- Plenum for all SFB members and guests – Room Europium
17:00 h
Feedback from the Scientific Advisory Board – Room Europium
18:00 h
Dinner at restaurant Calla – Ground floor of the Darmstadtium