Goal and motivation
The aim of the Summer School is, on the one hand, to familiarize young scientists with one of the most important areas of the division's work in order to pass on current knowledge and to introduce new colleagues to this field quickly, but intensively. On the other hand, young PhD students should have the opportunity to get to know thematically like-minded people in order to build up a close and powerful network at an early stage, which will serve both the individuals and the German research in this field.
As with the Summer Schools in previous years, we are sure to have another highly interesting event on an equally exciting topic!
This year's GI/ITG KuVS Summer School is organized by the
Lehrstuhl für Technische Informatik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr. Björn Scheuermann
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
- Björn Scheuermann (scheuermann@informatik.hu-berlin.de) oder
- Siegmar Sommer (sommer@informatik.hu-berlin.de)
Leading national and international scientists will give lectures on various topics and discuss them with the participants of the Summer School. In general, talks and discussions will be given priority over pure lectures. There will also be time for the presentation and discussion of own work.
The overarching theme of this year's Summer School is “Application-Tailored Networks”. This includes systems in which protocols or protocol layers below the application are adapted to specific application requirements. The need for a – to a very different extent – tailored protocol stack occurs in a variety of different application domains.
Topics to be addressed in the summer school will include:
- Networking concepts for specific applications
- Networking aspects of cloud computing
- Programmable wireless networks / software-defined medium access
- Dynamic adaptation of network mechanisms
- Vehicle-to-vehicle communication as a use case
- Network aspects of dynamic virtualization
- Migration of applications and code over and into networks
- Cross-layer approaches and their extensibility
For this year's summer school we could win an outstanding international team of lecturers:
- Universität Osnabrück Prof. Nils Aschenbruck,
- , Universität Rom “Tor Vergata”, Italien Prof. Giuseppe Bianchi
- , Universität Cambridge, England Prof. Jon Crowcroft
- , Universität Innsbruck, Österreich Prof. Falko Dressler
- , Universität Ulm Prof. Frank Kargl
- , Universität Düsseldorf Prof. Martin Mauve
- , Universität Palermo, Italien Prof. Ilenia Tinnirello
- , Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Dr. Oliver Waldhorst
- , RWTH Aachen Prof. Klaus Wehrle
Target group
The offer is addressed to young German-speaking scientists who are currently working on their PhD or who intend to do so in the near future.
Venue, travel and organizational details
The Summer School will take place north of Berlin at the conference hotel Döllnsee-Schorfheide. The unique atmosphere of this location guarantees excellent working and leisure opportunities. Participants will arrive in Berlin either already on Sunday or at the latest on Monday morning. From there, a bus transfer to the venue will be offered on Monday morning (included in the participant fee). Alternatively, an individual car journey directly to the conference hotel is also possible by arrangement.
The school itself starts on Monday morning and ends late Wednesday morning with a bus transfer back to Berlin, so that all participants can travel home during Wednesday. On each of the working days, there will be several double-hour sessions on the above-mentioned topics. There will be ample opportunity for getting to know each other, making contacts and for fruitful discussions among the participants and with the lecturers.
In order to be able to guarantee such a working atmosphere, the number of participants in the summer school is strictly limited. In order to secure a place, you should therefore register as early as possible.
Upon registration, a participation fee of 350 Euro is to be paid. This includes:
- two nights (22.-24.7.) in a half double room in the conference hotel
- Full board during the entire summer school (lunch 22.7. to breakfast 24.7.)
- Bus transfer from/to Berlin
Please note that for capacity and cost reasons, accommodation will be in a half double room as standard. We will be happy to accommodate requests as far as possible as to who shares a room with whom. Upon request, we will try to book a single room instead of the half double room for an additional fee of 50 Euro/person. However, this is only feasible within the hotel's possibilities, we cannot guarantee availability.
The rooms will be available on the day of arrival in the early afternoon and must be released on the day of departure after breakfast.
We are happy to accept pre-registrations as of now at the email address sommer@informatik.hu-berlin.de. Further details on registration will be announced here in due course.
GI/KuVS trial membership
Summer School participants who are not yet members of the Gesellschaft für Informatik and/or the Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme will receive a free two-year trial membership in these associations with their registration and payment of the participation fee. Thanks to the GI and the KuVS for this!
Meeting point for the drive to the hotel
Monday, 22.07.2013 / 08:45, bus stop Berlin/Hbf, exit Invalidenstrasse, green and white bus of the company Globetrotter.
For your return travel plans, you should assume that we will arrive back at Berlin Hauptbahnhof between 13:00 and 13:30 on Wednesday, 24.7.2013.