MAKI honored in the 2015 “Ausgezeichnete Orte im Land der Ideen” competition ausgezeichnet

The CRC MAKI as part of the research cluster “Future Internet” is one of the 100 winners of the nationwide competition “Ausgezeichnete Orte im Land der Ideen” 2015.

This year's theme was “City, Country, Net! Innovations for a digital world”. The “Deutschland – Land der Ideen” initiative and Deutsche Bank are honoring ideas and projects that offer solutions to the challenges of digital transformation.

The official award ceremony took place as part of the “Ruzena Bajcsy Lectures on Communications and Resilience” on June 18, 2015.

Further information on the award can be found on the Land der Ideen website. In addition, both the Darmstädter Echo and the KOM blog reported on this event.

Impressions from the award ceremony


03:30 pm Come Together
04:00 pm Verleihung des MAKI-Female Student Travel Award
Prof. Andy Schürr, Fachgebiet Echtzeitsysteme/SFB MAKI
Dr. Karin Süß, Referentin für Gender Consulting TU Darmstadt
04:30 pm Preisverleihung Land der Ideen
Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Prömel, Präsident der TU Darmstadt
Dr. Christine Petry, DFG
Dr. Gerit Sonntag, DFG

Preisübergabe und Laudatio:
Katrin Hennig, Land der Ideen
Jürgen Süßmann, Deutsche Bank, Darmstadt
05:30 pm „Ruzena Bajcsy Lectures on Communications and Resilience“
From Software Modeling to System Modeling – Transforming the Change
Prof. Dr. Gerti Kappel, TU Wien
06:30 pm Ausklang
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Harald Rau