Vuk Marojevic
Mississippi State University
Open AI Cellular: Software Radio Platform for Prototyping and Testing of O-RAN Controllers
O-RAN introduces an architecture and open interfaces for developing virtualized, intelligent, and interoperable building blocks of next generation radio access networks (RANs). O-RAN-based 6G networks will incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into the deployment, operation, and maintenance of the network. AI can optimize parameters in a large search space, figure out a solution to respond to new situations, as well as interpolate when insufficient information is available.
This talk will introduce Open AI Cellular (OAIC), an open-source software platform that enables prototyping and testing of RAN control applications. After outlining the O-RAN architecture, the OAIC software framework, software radio testbeds, and a method for designing and deploying intelligent RAN control will be illustrated.
is an associate professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA. He graduated from University of Hannover, Germany, and Barcelona Tech (UPC), Spain, with an MS and a Ph.D in electrical engineering. He is a principal investigator of the US National Science Foundation projects AERPAW and Open Artificial Intelligence Cellular (OAIC). Vuk Marojevic
His research interests include mobile communications, software radio, spectrum sharing, wireless testbeds and testing, and wireless security with application to mission-critical communications, the open radio access network (O-RAN), and unmanned aircraft systems.