MAKI Scientific Workshop

Dr. Gerardo Rubino

(Inria Rennes, France)


Machine Learning Developments around the PSQA Project

Short Bio:

Gerardo Rubino is a senior researcher at INRIA (the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) where he is the leader of the DIONYSOS group, working on the analysis and design of networking technologies. He is a Board Member of the Media & Networks Cluster, Brittany, France, and INRIA’s representative at the SISCom Brittany Research Cluster. Among past responsibilities, he has been Scientific Delegate for the Rennes unit of INRIA for 5 years, responsible of research in networking at the Telecom Bretagne engineering school for 5 years, Associate Editor of the Operations Research international journal “Naval Research Logistics” for 9 years, former member of the Steering Board of the European Network of Excellence EuroFGI and responsible of the relationships between the network and European industry. He has also been the head of the International Partnership Office at INRIA Rennes for 5 years. He is a member of the IFIP WG 7.3. He is interested in quantitative analysis of complex systems using probabilistic models. He presently works on performance and dependability analysis, perceptual quality assessment of audio and video applications and services and on Machine Learning tools in networking. In particular, he is the author of the PSQA (Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment) technology for automatic perceptual quality real-time evaluation. He also works on the development of methodologies for the analysis of rare events, for instance for the evaluation of risks (he is a member of the Steering Committee of RESIM, the only workshop dedicated to the topic, and co-author of the book entitled “Rare Event Simulation Using Monte Carlo Methods”, Wiley, 2009). He is the author of more than 200 scientific works in applied mathematics and computer science.