Zeit |
9:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser Welcome and Introduction |
09:30 Uhr |
Prof. Klara Nahrstedt Title:Human-Centric Control of 3D Video in Teleimmersive Environments |
10:15 Uhr | Coffee break |
10:30 Uhr |
Adrian Loch, Björn Richerzhagen, Matthias Wichtlhuber Title:The MAKI View: Adaptation by Mechanism Transitions |
11:30 Uhr | Group Work: Consolidation and extension of presented views |
12:30 Uhr |
Lunch |
13:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. R. Zimmermann Title: Adapting Media Content: Video is King |
14:00 Uhr |
Stefan Wilk, Julius Rückert, Paul Gebelein Title:The MAKI view: Adaptation of Content – Adapting to Content |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:15 | Group Work: Consolidation and extension of presented views |