Patrick Mukherjee


Pragmatic Middleware for Scaling – Towards Serverless Microfunctions


Middleware is the glue that connects user interfaces to backend systems and services.

The different architectural philosophies range from big monoliths, that are hard to maintain, to micro services, which are challenging to orchestrate. But can we have the best of two worlds without their drawbacks?

In this talk, I will illustrate how we implemented micro-monoliths, which run as serverless functions in the cloud.


Patrick is a Co-Founder and CTO of Aequitec AG, which provides corporate governance solutions for unlisted companies. He has an extensive experience as software development lead and solution architect over various industries, from space to finance. Despite being in technical leadership positions over a decade, Patrick is still a passionate coder and practices hands-on leadership.

Patrick holds a Ph.D. degree in Information Technology of TU Darmstadt, supervised by Andy Schürr, worked in the DFG FG QuaP2P and was one of the main contributors to the initial proposal for the SFB MAKI.