Prof. Dr. Hugo Miranda
The Appia protocol composition framework design
Montag, 18.05.2015, 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
S3|20 / Raum 111 Rundeturmstraße 10, 64283 Darmstadt
Appia is a protocol composition framework originally developed to extend the flexibility of protocol composition offered by the well-known stack abstraction. This increased flexibility was expected to facilitate the support of different network environments and types of data, by hiding much of the complexity raised by heterogeneous environments from the application developer.
The talk will begin with a presentation of Appia's internals, focused on the mechanisms that facilitate the development of non-conventional (i.e. non-stack) compositions and its comparison with the related work. Afterwards, it will proceed for a discussion on Appia's limitations, in particular, concerning run-time composition changes, and on the approaches that have been made to circumvent them. Expectations are that, in spite of Appia's 15 years of age, the sharing of this experience contributes to ongoing efforts in the development of the tools that will mitigate and take advantage of the heterogeneity of today's networks to improve availability and quality of service.
Hugo Miranda is an assistant professor at the University of Lisbon, where he teaches courses on Network Management and Distributed Systems. He is an integrated member of the Large-Scale Informatics Systems Laboratory (LaSIGE). His research interests include mobile computing and protocol composition frameworks. He was part of the teams that developed the Appia protocol composition framework and of the PAMPA broadcast algorithm for MANETs.