Prof. Dr. Jean Bacon (University of Cambridge)
Information Flow Control for Cloud and Internet of Things
Dienstag, 07.07.2015 13:30 – 14:30 Uhr
S2|07 Raum 167 Robert-Piloty-Gebäude, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt
Because “security concerns hinder cloud adoption”, cloud design focus has so far been on strong isolation between tenants. Inter-tenant interactions are not foreseen, and finer-grain protection e.g. between end-users of services, is left to the tenants.Requirements for data sharing between related applications are already emerging, and will increase, as cloud services become part of the Internet of Things (IoT).The keynote will outline our recent work on Information Flow Control (IFC) for cloud computing. IFC extends traditional access controls with continuous, data-centric, application-independent, dataflow control. IFC makes fine-grained, protected data sharing a possibility, rather than the current “all or nothing” approach.We have implemented IFC in a Linux Security Module, suitable for cloud deployment. Work is in progress on integrating IFC with middleware for IoT.
Jean Bacon is Emeritus Professor of Distributed Systems at the University of Cambridge, and leads the Opera research group, focussing on open, large-scale, secure, widely-distributed systems. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and IEEE and was an IEEE-Computer Society Governing Body member. She is a founding steering committee member of IEEE IC2E (International Conference on Cloud Engineering) and was PC chair in 2014. Her current EPSRC funding is to investigate Information Flow Control for cloud computing.
Mehr auf: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jmb25/