Omprakash Gnawali

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Vortragender Omprakash Gnawali
Titel On the Repeatibility of Wireless Sensor Network Experiments
Zeit Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013, 14.00 Uhr
Ort S3|20 111
Rundeturmstr. 10, 64283 Darmstadt
Repeatable experiments are thought to be an essential core of any scientific discipline. In this talk, I will describe the challenges in making sensor networking experiments repeatable. I will then describe the work I and others in the sensor network research community have done to address the repeatibility of network experiments.
Omprakash Gnawali is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, USA. He was a Postdoctoral Scholar at Stanford University, got his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, and received his Masters and Bachelors degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research lies at the intersection of low power wireless networks and embedded sensing systems.

Area of research: Wireless Sensor Networks

Name of my University / Research Institute: University of Houston

My field of research is fascinating. To laymen I would explain it in the following comprehensible manner:

Answer: My research looks at ways to make wireless networks energy efficient and reliable. Wouldn’t it be cool if we never had to change batteries or charge wireless devices? We are not there yet, but getting closer every day.

My most important success in research to date is …

Answer: The insights from my research have been implemented in open source wireless sensor networking protocol software, which is used by a number of other research groups and industry. The work has also become a benchmark against which other wireless protocols are evaluated.

If I would be a student today, I would …

Answer:Attend research talks and read papers from slightly broader areas. Our field changes rapidly so it is important to have a broad perspective to our work, in addition to the specialized work we do for Ph.D.

The perfect balance to a stressful working day is …

Answer: A bicycle ride in the park, especially if it is not too hot out.