Distinguished Lecture Series

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1053 MAKI and the LOEWE center emergenCITY are inviting outstanding experts to participate in the Distinguished Lecture Series during this semester.

The speakers are presenting their current research results in the areas of “Network Communications” as well as “Future Internet” and “Resilient Infrastructures” in these lectures. The events are intended to promote the exchange of thoughts and ideas between experts, staff, students and the interested public.

The lectures are open to the general public and interested visitors are very welcome.

Summer Semester 2024

Professor Francesco Gringoli

University of Brescia / Italy Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 04.30pm “Controllable Accuracy in Wireless Sensing: Achieving Optimal Performance through Physical Layer Signal Obfuscation”


Picture: Gustavo de Veciana

Professor Gustavo de Veciana

University of Texas, Austin / USA Thursday, 06 June 2024, 04.15pm “Scalable and Resilient Networked Learning Systems”


Picture: Amr El Abbadi

Professor Amr El Abbadi

University of California, Santa Barbara / USA Wednesday 08 May 2024, 04.30pm “Towards Practical, Scalable and Private Management of Cloud Data”
