Ioannis Stavrakakis

Professor of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and visiting
Professor of IMDEA Networks – UC3M (Catedras de Excelencia Comunidad de Madrid)
29. Juni 2017, 16:15 Uhr
S2|02 Raum C110, Robert-Piloty-Gebäude, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt
„Human-driven Decision-making in Accessing Distributed Resources“
Information and Communication Technologies enable the generation and dissemination of information that can enhance tremendously our awareness about the environment and its resources. This resource awareness provides enhanced service opportunities but it may also create contention and congestion penalties in distributed, uncoordinated resource environments, to the point of making such information provision counter-productive. This talk employs a simple binary model that can represent a wide range of decision formulations for this environment (to compete or not to compete for the resources) with a ternary cost structure (success vs failure vs not competing). The case of fully rational (strategic) decision-making is briefly presented and the cost of anarchy (due to the lack of coordination) is discussed. Since humans who ultimately take decisions have limitations, some models for human-driven decision making are presented, reflecting computational/cognitive human limitations or biases. It is shown that bounded rationality decisions can be as or even more effective than those under the full rationality model. Finally, and as time permits, alternative to the fully uncoordinated approaches are discussed in an effort to reduce the cost of anarchy, along with their potential benefits and drawbacks
Prof. Ioannis Stavrakakis (IEEE Fellow) (, is Professor in the Dept of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He is a visiting professor with IMDEA Networks/UC3M and a recipient of a Chair of Excellence by the Comunidad de Madrid (2017-18) and a Mercator fellow of the MAKI Collaborative Research Center of the German Research Foundation (2017-2020). He received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and his PhD in the same field from University of Virginia, USA. He served as Assistant Professor in CSEE, University of Vermont (USA), 1988-1994; Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston (USA), 1994-1999; Associate Professor of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), 1999-2002; and Professor since 2002. Teaching and research interests are focused on Analysis and Design aspects of networking technologies ranging from link to application layers: Social, mobile, ad hoc, autonomic, information-centric, delay tolerant and future Internet networking; network resource allocation algorithms & protocols, traffic management and performance evaluation; content dissemination, placement and (cooperative) replication in unstructured P2P and social networks; (human-driven) decision making in competitive environments. His research has been published in over 220 scientific journals and conference proceedings and was funded by USA-NSF, DARPA, GTE, BBN and Motorola (USA) as well as Greek and European Union (IST, FET, FIRE) funding agencies. He has received 2 Marie-Curie grants for training post and has supervised about 20 Ph.D. graduates. He has served repeatedly in NSF and EU-IST research proposal review panels and involved in the TPC and organization of numerous conferences sponsored by IEEE, ACM, ITC and IFIP societies. He has served as chairman of IFIP WG6.3 and elected officer for IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC). He has been in the editorial board of Proceedings of IEEE (2015-), Computer Communications (2008-), IEEE/ACM transactions on Networking, ACM /Springer Wireless Networks and Computer Networks journals. He has served as head of the Communications and Signal Processing Division, Director of Graduate Studies, Dept Vice-Chair and Dept Chair.