Final event MAKI

Date: Thursday, 02 May and Friday, 03 May 2024

Venue: Lufthansa Conference Hotel in Seeheim

Link to the video of the final event


Thursday, 02 May 2024
Time Topic Room
10:15 Matinée und Poster with MAKI's Advisory Board and Mercator Fellows
(Chair: Ralf Steinmetz und Markus Fidler)
Poster Session (10:30)
Wrap Up (11:45)
Group Rooms
3023, 3024, 3025 in level -3
12:00 Lunch Buffet Area
13:00 Welcome by Ralf Steinmetz Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
13:15 Spot Lights 6 + 12 (Chair: Björn Scheuermann)
How everything startet with 'DFG Forschergruppe' QuaP2P by Wolfgang Effelsberg
How MAKI evolved over 12 years by Ralf Steinmetz
Transition in a nutshell by Tobias Meuser
Equal Opportunities Programme in MAKI by Andy Schürr
The Mercator-Fellow Programme in MAKI by Antonio Fernández Anta
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
14:30 Coffee Break
14:45 'Meet your sub-project – of all 12 MAKI years', Demos und Poster
(Chair: Bastian Bloessl and Christian Becker)
Group Rooms 3023, 3024, 3025 in level -3
16:15 Welcome Reception Foyer
level -1
17:00 Official Programme (Chair: Max Mühlhäuser)
Greetings by Ralf Steinmetz (Speaker of MAKI)
Greetings by Tanja Brühl (President of TU Darmstadt)
Greetings by Florian Steinke (Dean Dept. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)
Greetings by Christian Reuter (Dean Dept. Computer Science)
Greetings by Karen Schoch (Programme Director DFG)
Greetings by Markus Fidler (Chair MAKI Advisory Board)
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
17:45 Keynote by Jim (James F.) Kurose
(University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
“From artifacts to systems to people: evolving directions in computing research and education”
(Chair: Amr Rizk)
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
18:30 Group Picture Foyer
level -1
18:45 Dinner Buffet Area
level -1
Friday, 03 May 2024
Time Topic Room
Social Event
Excursions (Choice of 4 options) (Chair: Michaela Bock)
08:15 Opelzoo, Kronberg, (Guide: Julia Müller)
08:30 Museum für Kommunikation, Frankfurt (Guide: Matthias Hemmje)
08:45 Sektkellerei Henkell, Wiesbaden (Guide: Gisela Scholz-Schmidt)
09:30 Schloß Heiligenberg, Jugenheim (Guide: Jennifer Cappel-Laubenheimer)
08:30 group rooms with posters are available for those who stay at the venue 3023, 3024, 3025 in level -3
12:30 Lunch Buffet Area
level -1
13:30 Keynote by Klara Nahrstedt
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)
“Evolution of Adaptive and Transitive Behaviors n Mobile and Wireless Multimedia”
(Chair: Ralf Steinmetz)
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
14:15 MAKI Achievements (Chair: Matthias Hollick)
Achievement Committee: Bernd Freisleben and Amr Rizk
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
15:15 Coffee Break
15:45 Extraordinary Career Paths (Chair: Boris Koldehofe)
Jonas Höchst and Patrick Lampe (tRackIT Systems GmbH)
Daniel Failing (Computing Engineer at CERN)
Panel with Q&A
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
16:30 Coffee Break
16:45 Beyond the Horizon by Nico Blüthgen (TU Darmstadt)
“Ecological networks: myths, math(s) and moths”
(Chair: Heinz Koeppl)
Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1
17:45 Soirée (Chair: Klaus Wehrle) Bonhoeffer Saal
level -1

Participation by invitation only.