Einweihung des DFG Sonderforschungsbereichs MAKI


Prof. Andreas Mauthe

Senior Lecturer, Multimedia Computing and Content

Lancaster University, UK

„Das Future Internet vor 10 bis 15 Jahre und in 10 bis 15 Jahren“


Going 10 Years back we will observe that the Internet was more static and much less mobile. At this stage content already was the dominant traffic over the network but the way to communicate and consume it was very different from today. The big issues in those days appeared to be to transmit content with reasonable quality, but also to make content better accessible; and metadata and advanced content description schemes were perceived to be the key for better content access. Overlay networks (such as Peer-to-Peer networks) provided the flexibility to deal with heterogeneity but also issues surrounding availability and accessibility. Looking back from today we can see that the big change nowadays is the rise in mobility, users predominantly access content and information through mobile devices, very often on the move, changing location, network access, but also the device frequently. The issue of search seems to have been solved implicitly and user mainly access content through special Apps that provide a relatively well structured way of looking, searching and accessing content and information. Social media also plays a major role in recommending, producing and consuming content. If we project this into the future it can be predicted that devices will get smaller (we can already see optical head mounted displays such as Google Glasses and smart watches) and that it is expected that Internet access will be even more ubiquitous. The users will expect to access information anytime and anywhere at high quality. Hence, there needs to be the infrastructure as well as mechanism to deal with the demands for this. The current strategy of over-provisioning will probably not suffice and mechanisms researched within MAKI can play a key role in making the future Internet ready for the demands of the users of 2025.

Short Bio:

Prof. Andreas Mauthe is Reader in Networked Systems at the School of Computing and Communications (SCC), Lancaster University, UK. His research focus is in two areas within the networking and systems domain, i.e. Network Management, and Multimedia Systems. In the Network Management domain the main aspects of his research are resilience mechanisms for a better threat detection and protection of networks and distributed systems (such as Cloud environments), and Autonomic Network Management. In the area of Multimedia Systems his current research focus is on Quality of Experience (QoE) and the Delivery and Information Centric Networking. He has (co-)authored more than 80 peer-reviewed papers published in international journals, conferences and workshops. He is also author of a textbook on Professional Content Management Systems. Andreas worked in industry for more than four years in various management and research positions where amongst others he was heading a development team of 28 software engineers, and was also responsible for product development and UK market strategies. He is associated editor of the Multimedia-Systems Journal, has been member of more than 50 programme committees of renowned international workshops and conferences. Further, Andreas has been reviewer and expert advisor on various national and international research programmes for the European Commission, and different funding bodies, research councils and government agencies.
