Dr. Volker Hilt

Nokia Bell Labs


Technologies for Future Edge Clouds


Centralized clouds have changed the way internet services are developed, deployed and operated. They have substantially extended the market opportunities for online services, enabled new entities to create and operate internet-scale services, and changed the way traditional companies run their operations. However, there are types of services that are unsuitable for today’s centralized clouds such as virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), virtualized mobile networks, mass-IoT data processing and industrial robot control. What these services have in common is the need for a more distributed cloud infrastructure that provides shorter latencies and higher bandwidth — an infrastructure we call edge clouds. In this talk, we examine the evolution of clouds, and edge clouds especially, looking at the developing market for edge clouds and what developments are required in network technologies to support them.

Short Bio

Dr. Volker Hilt is a Bell Labs Fellow and senior director at Nokia Bell Labs leading research teams on Autonomous Software Systems in Germany, Israel and Ireland. Dr. Hilt received his M.S. in Commercial Information Technologies in 1996 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2001 both from the University of Mannheim in Germany. He joined Bell Labs in Holmdel, NJ, USA in 2002 and moved to Stuttgart, Germany in 2012. Dr. Hilt's field of research are networked software systems where he has made contributions in the areas of cloud computing, distributed multimedia systems, content distribution networks, peer-to-peer applications and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). He has designed the overload control mechanism for SIP, which has become a key part of today’s telecommunication systems. Dr. Hilt is an IEEE senior member, has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, Internet drafts and RFCs and holds over 30 patents.